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CKV Audit Services Limited

A Cyprus Licensed Audit Firm providing professional
services such as Audit, Tax and Advisory.

What we do

We offer professional audit services based on the Companies Cyprus Law Cap.113. Every incorporated company at the Republic of Cyprus is obliged to submit annually, to the Registrar of Companies and to Tax Authorities, its audited financial statements, which must be prepared by a licensed auditor eligible to perform statutory audits. 

Audit license is granted by Institute of Certified Public Accountants in Cyprus (ICPAC) and is monitored and regulated under the Companies Law and the assigned Regulated Bodies.

We maintain a tailored audit approach for each client, based on International Standards of Auditing (ISAs), enabling it to respond promptly and effectively to the client’s needs and requirements.

We consider, audit as the cornerstone of a Company because it provides reasonable assurance about the view of the business at any time. We believe that with proper recommendation on identified risks/issues it can add value and act as improving process for the business to operate properly.
We use a well reputable computerized audit program in order to serve our clients accurate and efficient results.

Our Firm is specialized at the following industries:

Our Services

Assurance services

- Audit of the financial statements in accordance with ISAs, IFRSs and Cap.113.
- Audit of internal controls and constructive advice and recommendations on the systems of internal control and operations.
- Other specialized Audits.

Tax services

- Tax planning for local and international business.
- Income Tax Returns in accordance with the Cyprus tax Directives.
- Personal Income Tax Returns.
- Tax residency certificates.
- Tax clearance certificate.
- Other specialized tax services.

Internal audit services

- Review of process activities and assisting on designing and implementing of internal controls.
- Constructive advice and recommendations on the systems of internal controls and of the effective operations.

Financial statements services

- Preparation of standalone financial statements and management accounts in accordance with IFRSs.
- Preparation of consolidated financial statements in accordance with IFRSs.

We provide high quality professional services to local and international clients

Our audit methodology includes the provision of our final audit report as well as an in-depth evaluation of the client’s internal control systems, regulatory framework and financial reporting systems which form an integral part of our professional work.

We see ourselves as Qualified Auditors providing our opinion on the financial statements, and as independent external advisors offering our advice on a wide spectrum of matters and issues with the aim to assist, enhance and improve businesses within a well-controlled environment.

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Business Success
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Happy Clients
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Audits Done

How to contact us

If you are interested in our services, don’t hesitate to contact us by completing the form below:

Company Insights

Payroll Services

CKV offers outsource payroll services monthly so you can focus on your business. It creates segregation of duties. It prevents significant risk of error from employees either intentionally or unintentionally.

Audit Firm

CKV offers quality professional services in the field of Accounting, Audit, Tax and Advisory, having extensive experience, skills and knowledge of the Cyprus market. We provide services to local and international Companies.”

CKV Audit Services Limited

We are an independent Cyprus audit firm providing qualitative professional services such as Audit, Tax and Advisory.

Request for Call Back

If you are interested in our services, don’t hesitate to contact us by completing the form below: