What we do
We offer professional audit services based on the Companies Cyprus Law Cap.113. Every incorporated company at the Republic of Cyprus is obliged to submit annually, to the Registrar of Companies and to Tax Authorities, its audited financial statements, which must be prepared by a licensed auditor eligible to perform statutory audits.
Audit license is granted by Institute of Certified Public Accountants in Cyprus (ICPAC) and is monitored and regulated under the Companies Law and the assigned Regulated Bodies.
We maintain a tailored audit approach for each client, based on International Standards of Auditing (ISAs), enabling it to respond promptly and effectively to the client’s needs and requirements.
We consider, audit as the cornerstone of a Company because it provides reasonable assurance about the view of the business at any time. We believe that with proper recommendation on identified risks/issues it can add value and act as improving process for the business to operate properly.
We use a well reputable computerized audit program in order to serve our clients accurate and efficient results.
Our Firm is specialized at the following industries:
- Investment Companies
- Manufacturing Companies
- Retail, wholesale, and trading
- CySec Companies
- Provident Funds
- Pharmaceutical
- Health and Hospitals
- Radiotherapy centres
- Cosmetic and detergents
- Building and Constructions
- Sub Agent Insurances
- Self-employment